Source code for meshslice.utils.SphericalNN

Taken from ObsPy originally, but heavily modified.

# External
from __future__ import annotations
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Union
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from obspy.core.inventory import Station

# Internal
from .constants import EARTH_RADIUS_KM, KM2DEG
from .geo2cart import geo2cart

[docs]class SphericalNN(object): """Spherical nearest neighbour queries using scipy's fast kd-tree implementation. Attributes ---------- data : numpy.ndarray cartesian point data array [x,y,z] kd_tree : scipy.spatial.cKDTree a KDTree used to query data Methods ------- query(qlat, qlon) Query a set of latitudes and longitudes query_pairs(maximum_distance) Find pairs of points that are within a certain distance of each other interp(data, qlat, qlon) Use the kdtree to interpolate data corresponding to the points of the Kdtree onto a new set of points using nearest neighbor interpolation or weighted nearest neighbor interpolation (default). Notes ----- :Authors: Lucas Sawade ( :Last Modified: 2020.01.07 19.00 """ def __init__(self, lat, lon): """Initialize class Parameters ---------- lat : numpy.ndarray latitudes lon : numpy.ndarray longitudes """ cart_data = self.spherical2cartesian(lat, lon) = cart_data self.kd_tree = cKDTree(data=cart_data, leafsize=10) def query(self, qlat, qlon): """Query latitude and longitude values from kdtree Parameters ---------- qlat : np.ndarray or float query latitude qlon : np.ndarray or float query longitude Returns ------- tuple (distance, indeces) to closest point in kdtree """ points = self.spherical2cartesian(qlat, qlon) d, i = self.kd_tree.query(points) # Filter NaNs. Happens when not enough points are available. m = np.isfinite(d) return d[m], i[m] def query_pairs(self, maximum_distance=180.0): """Query pairs within the kdtree Parameters ---------- maximum_distance : float Maximum query distance in deg Returns ------- set or ndarray Set of pairs (i, j) where i < j """ distkm = np.abs(2 * np.sin(maximum_distance/2.0 / 180.0*np.pi)) * EARTH_RADIUS_KM return self.kd_tree.query_pairs(distkm, output_type='ndarray') def sparse_distance_matrix(self, other: Union[SphericalNN, None] = None, maximum_distance=180.0, sparse: bool = False, km: bool = False): """Computes the sparse distance matrix between two kdtree. if no other kdtree is provided, this kdtree is used Parameters ---------- other : SphericalNN other SphericalNN tree maximum_distance : float Maximum query distance in deg sparse: bool Flag to output sparse array for memory. Default False km: bool flag to output distances in kilometers. Default False Returns ------- set or ndarray Set of pairs (i, j) where i < j """ # Get distance distkm = np.abs(2 * np.sin(maximum_distance/2.0 / 180.0*np.pi)) * EARTH_RADIUS_KM # Get tree if isinstance(other, SphericalNN): other = other.kd_tree else: other = deepcopy(self).kd_tree # Compute dense or sparse distance matrix if sparse: output_mat = self.kd_tree.sparse_distance_matrix( other, distkm) else: output_mat = self.kd_tree.sparse_distance_matrix( other, distkm).toarray() # Convert form kilometers to degrees. if km is False: output_mat *= KM2DEG return output_mat def interp(self, data, qlat, qlon, maximum_distance=None, no_weighting=False, k: int = 10, p: float = 2.0): """Spherical interpolation function using the ``SphericalNN`` object. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray data qlat : numpy.ndarray query latitudes qlon : numpy.ndarray query longitude maximum_distance : float, optional max distace for the interpolation in degree angle. Default None. If the mindistance to any points is larger than maximum_distance the interpolated value is set to ``np.nan``. no_weighting : bool, optional Whether or not the function uses a weightied nearest neighbor interpolation k : int, optional Define maximum number of neighbors to be used for the weighted interpolation. Not used if ``no_weighting = True``. Default 10 p : float, optional only used if maximum_distance is None. Default is 2 Notes ----- In the future, I may add a variable weighting function for the weighted interpolation. Please refer to for the interpolation weighting. """ # Get query points in cartesian shp = qlat.shape points = self.spherical2cartesian(qlat.flatten(), qlon.flatten()) # Query points if no_weighting: # Get distances and indeces d, inds = self.kd_tree.query(points) # Assign the interpolation data. qdata = data[inds] # Filter out distances too far out. if maximum_distance is not None: qdata = np.where( d <= np.abs(2 * np.sin(maximum_distance/2.0/180.0*np.pi)) * EARTH_RADIUS_KM, qdata, np.nan) else: # Set K to the max number of poitns if not given if k is None: k = points.shape[0] # Get multiple distances and indeces d, inds = self.kd_tree.query(points, k=k) # Filter out distances too far out. # Modified Shepard's method if maximum_distance is not None: # Get cartesian distance cartd = np.abs(2 * np.sin(maximum_distance/2.0/180.0*np.pi) * EARTH_RADIUS_KM) # Compute the weights using modified shepard w = (np.fmax(0, cartd - d) / cartd * d) ** 2 wsum = np.sum(w, axis=1) datarows = (wsum != 0) # interpolation using the weights qdata = np.empty_like(wsum) qdata[:] = np.nan qdata[datarows] = np.nansum( w[datarows, :] * data[inds[datarows, :]], axis=1) \ / wsum[datarows] # Shepard's method else: # Compute the weights using modified shepard w = (1 / d) ** p wsum = np.sum(w, axis=1) datarows = (wsum != 0) # Empty array qdata = np.empty_like(wsum) qdata[:] = np.nan # interpolation using the weights qdata[datarows] = np.sum( w * data[inds[datarows]], axis=1) / wsum[datarows] return qdata.reshape(shp) @ staticmethod def spherical2cartesian(lat, lon): """ Converts a list of :class:`~obspy.fdsn.download_status.Station` objects to an array of shape(len(list), 3) containing x/y/z in meters. """ # Create three arrays containing lat/lng/radius. r = np.ones_like(lat) * EARTH_RADIUS_KM # Convert data from lat/lng to x/y/z. x, y, z = geo2cart(r, lat, lon) return np.vstack((x, y, z)).T