Source code for meshslice.meshslice_sph

# External
import os
from typing import Optional, List
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation, LinearTriInterpolator
from copy import deepcopy
import pyvista as pv
from pyvista import _vtk
from pyvista.utilities.helpers import generate_plane

# Internal imports
from .utils.rotation_matrix import rotation_matrix
from .utils.visibility_callback import SetVisibilityCallback
from .utils.vtksphere import generate_sphere
from .utils.updaterc import updaterc
from .utils.geo2cart import geo2cart
from .utils.cart2geo import cart2geo
from .utils.pol2cart import pol2cart
from .utils.cart2pol import cart2pol
from .utils.map_axes import map_axes
from .utils.plot_map import plot_map
from .utils.SphericalNN import SphericalNN
from . import EARTH_RADIUS_KM
from . import DEG2KM

[docs]class MeshPlotSph(): def __init__(self, mesh, lat: Optional[float] = None, lon: Optional[float] = None, rotangle: float = 0.0, depth: Optional[float] = None, rotlat: Optional[float] = None, rotlon: Optional[float] = None, get_mean: bool = True, opacity: bool = False, meshname: str = 'RF', cmapname: str = "seismic", cmapsym: bool = True, clim: Optional[List[float]] = None, debug: bool = True, outputdir: str = '.', use_ipyvtk: bool = False, figures_only: bool = False, test: bool = False, fmt: str = "pdf"): # Init state self.not_init_state = False self.debug = debug self.fmt = fmt # Copy to not modify original mesh when rotating self.mesh = mesh.copy(deep=True) # Function to get activae scalar self.meshname = meshname self.mesh.set_active_scalars(self.meshname) # To rotate data set if rotlon is not None: pv.core.common.axis_rotation( self.mesh.points, rotlon, inplace=True, deg=True, axis='z') if rotlat is not None: pv.core.common.axis_rotation( self.mesh.points, rotlat, inplace=True, deg=True, axis='y') # Get bounds self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.zmin, self.zmax = \ self.mesh.bounds # Get min/max radius, depth self.r = np.sqrt(np.sum(deepcopy(self.mesh.points)**2, axis=1)) self.rmin = np.min(self.r) self.rmax = np.max(self.r) self.dmin = self.rmax - self.rmax self.dmax = self.rmax - self.rmin # Get the depth if depth is not None: self.depth = depth else: self.depth = (self.dmin+self.dmax)/2 # Get colorbounds self.minM, self.maxM = self.mesh.get_data_range() # Get initial position depending on inputt position or point mean if lat is not None and lon is not None: # Get location self.latitude, self.longitude = lat, lon # Convert to vector self.initpos = geo2cart(1.0, self.latitude, self.longitude) else: # Get mean vector self.initpos = np.mean(self.mesh.points, axis=0) # Get convert to geo location. _, self.latitude, self.longitude = cart2geo(*self.initpos) # Set center of the slice to be the init = self.initpos # Only set so that it doesn't have to be redefined self.normalx = np.array([1, 0, 0]) self.normaly = np.array([0, 1, 0]) self.normalz = np.array([0, 0, 1]) # Starting parameters self.rotmat = np.eye(3) self.rotmat_lat = np.eye(3) self.rotmat_lon = np.eye(3) self.rotmat_slice = np.eye(3) self.rotangle = rotangle self.init_rotangle = rotangle self.radius = (self.rmin+self.rmax)/2 # Empty slice parameters to be populated self.Yslice = dict( slc=None, actor2D=None, actor3D=None, normal=[0, 1, 0], origin=[0, 0, 0]) self.Zslice = dict( slc=None, actor2D=None, actor3D=None, normal=[0, 1, 0], origin=[0, 0, 0]) self.Rslice = dict( slc=None, actor2D=None, actor3D=None, radius=self.radius, center=[0, 0, 0]) self.cmapname = cmapname self.cmap =, 256) # Set up colorbar if clim is not None: self.clim = clim if -self.clim[0] == self.clim[1]: self.cmapsym = True else: self.cmapsym = False else: self.clim = clim self.cmapsym = cmapsym # Find scalar bar max and min self.cabsmax = np.max(np.abs([self.minM, self.maxM])) self.minM, self.maxM = [-self.cabsmax, self.cabsmax] # Find colorbar bounds depending on symmetry if self.cmapsym: # If clim is defined get it if self.clim is not None: self.initclim = deepcopy(self.clim) else: self.clim = [-0.5*self.cabsmax, 0.5*self.cabsmax] self.initclim = [-0.5*self.cabsmax, 0.5*self.cabsmax] # Set slider ranges self.cminrange = [self.minM, 0.0] self.cmaxrange = [0, self.maxM] else: # If clim is defined get it if self.clim is not None: self.initclim = deepcopy(self.clim) else: self.clim = [self.minM, self.maxM] self.initclim = [self.minM, self.maxM] # Set slider ranges self.cminrange = [self.minM, self.maxM] self.cmaxrange = [self.minM, self.maxM] self.scalar_bar_args = dict( width=0.4, height=0.05, position_x=0.3, position_y=0.05) # Check for illumination and plot it if possible. if self.mesh['illumination'] is not None and opacity is True: raise ValueError("Not working/not correcly implemented") self.init_illum = 50 self.opacity = 'opacity' self.mesh['opacity'] = np.where( self.mesh['illumination'] >= self.init_illum, 1.0, self.mesh['illumination']/self.init_illum) self.mesh.set_active_scalars(self.meshname) # Opacity self.mesh['opacity'] = np.ones_like(self.mesh['illumination']) self.opacity_slider = self.p.add_slider_widget( self.opacity_function, value=self.init_illum, title='Illumination', rng=[0.0, 500.0], pointa=(.525, .75), pointb=(.975, .75)) else: self.opacity: float = 1.0 # Initiate Plotter pv.rcParams['multi_rendering_splitting_position'] = 0.7 self.p = pv.Plotter(shape='1|4', window_size=(1600, 900)) # Start first subplot self.p.subplot(0) # Plot background volume self.volume = self.p.add_mesh( self.mesh, opacity=0.1, stitle=self.meshname, clim=self.clim, cmap=self.cmap, show_scalar_bar=False) # Plot colorbar self.p.add_scalar_bar( title=self.meshname, **self.scalar_bar_args) # Add orientation widget self.p.add_orientation_widget(self.mesh) # Get slices self.get_slices() # Rotation self.p.subplot(1) self.rotate_slider = self.p.add_slider_widget( self.rotate_slice, value=self.rotangle, title='Rot', rng=[0, 90], pointa=(.025, .1), pointb=(.975, .1)) # , event_type='always') # This makes the slider an activae listener # Longitude value self.p.subplot(1) self.rotlon_slider = self.p.add_slider_widget( self.rotate_lon, value=self.longitude, title='Lon', rng=[-180, 180], pointa=(.025, .25), pointb=(.975, .25)) # Longitude value self.p.subplot(1) self.rotlat_slider = self.p.add_slider_widget( self.rotate_lat, value=self.latitude, title='Lat', rng=[-90, 90], pointa=(.025, .4), pointb=(.975, .4)) # Depth slice self.p.subplot(1) self.r_slider = self.p.add_slider_widget( self.update_r, value=self.depth, title='Z', rng=[self.dmin, self.dmax], pointa=(.025, .55), pointb=(.975, .55), event_type='always') # Add slice actors self.add_slice_actors() # Colorbar/Scalar Widget self.p.subplot(1) # Update slider rcParams pv.rcParams['slider_style']['modern'].update( dict(slider_width=0.01, cap_width=0.01, tube_width=0.001)) # Update minimum cmap value slider self.p.subplot(1) self.cmin_slider = self.p.add_slider_widget( self.cmin_callback, value=self.clim[0], title='cmin', rng=self.cminrange, pointa=(.025, .9), pointb=(.475, .9), event_type='always') # Update maximum cmap value slider self.p.subplot(1) self.cmax_slider = self.p.add_slider_widget( self.cmax_callback, value=self.clim[1], title='cmax', rng=self.cmaxrange, pointa=(.525, .9), pointb=(.975, .9), event_type='always') # Plot bounds self.p.subplot(0) bounds = self.p.show_bounds(bounds=mesh.bounds, location='back') # Define button and text positions font_size = 14 x_offset = 80 y_offset = 50 size = 40 checkbox_pos = [30, 30] text_pos = [x_offset, 30] # Volume visibiliy self.p.subplot(2) self.p.add_text("Volume", position=text_pos, font_size=font_size) self.p.add_checkbox_button_widget( SetVisibilityCallback(self.volume), value=True, size=size, position=checkbox_pos, color_on='white', color_off='grey', background_color='grey') checkbox_pos[1] += y_offset text_pos[1] += y_offset # Turn on/off bounds self.p.subplot(2) self.p.add_text("Bounds", position=text_pos, font_size=font_size) self.p.add_checkbox_button_widget( SetVisibilityCallback(bounds), value=True, size=size, position=checkbox_pos, color_on='white', color_off='grey', background_color='grey') for i in range(2): checkbox_pos[1] += y_offset text_pos[1] += y_offset # Colormap symmetric on/off button. self.p.subplot(2) self.p.add_text("Symmetric cmap", position=text_pos, font_size=font_size) self.p.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.csym_callback, value=self.cmapsym, size=size, position=checkbox_pos, color_on='white', color_off='grey', background_color='grey') for i in range(2): checkbox_pos[1] += y_offset text_pos[1] += y_offset # Export button for Y Slice self.p.subplot(2) self.p.add_text("Export Y-Slice", position=text_pos, font_size=font_size) self.p.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.plot_y_slice, value=True, size=size, position=checkbox_pos, color_on='white', color_off='white', background_color='grey') checkbox_pos[1] += y_offset text_pos[1] += y_offset # Export button for Y Slice self.p.subplot(2) self.p.add_text("Export Z-Slice", position=text_pos, font_size=font_size) self.p.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.plot_z_slice, value=True, size=size, position=checkbox_pos, color_on='white', color_off='white', background_color='grey') checkbox_pos[1] += y_offset text_pos[1] += y_offset # Export button for depth slice self.p.subplot(2) self.p.add_text("Export Depth Slice", position=text_pos, font_size=font_size) self.p.add_checkbox_button_widget( self.depth_slice_to_map, value=True, size=size, position=checkbox_pos, color_on='white', color_off='white', background_color='grey') # Init state self.outputdir = outputdir # Finalize Window creation self.not_init_state = True # Necessary for first update of all plots self.Rslice['slc'].shallow_copy(self.Rslice['alg'].GetOutput()) self.Yslice['slc'].shallow_copy(self.Yslice['alg'].GetOutput()) self.Zslice['slc'].shallow_copy(self.Zslice['alg'].GetOutput()) # Set view (Updates subplots) self.p.subplot(3) self.p.view_vector(-self.Yslice['normal'], viewup=self.normalup) self.p.subplot(4) self.p.view_vector(-self.Zslice['normal'], viewup=self.normalup) # Do general update self.p.update() if test: self.p.close() return # Finally show the damn thing self.figures_only = figures_only if self.figures_only: self.depth_slice_to_map(1.0) self.plot_y_slice(1.0) self.plot_z_slice(1.0) self.p.close() plt.close('all') else:, use_ipyvtk=use_ipyvtk) def get_slices(self): if not hasattr(self, "plane_sliced_meshes"): self.p.plane_sliced_meshes = [] self.Yslice['alg'] = _vtk.vtkCutter() # Construct the cutter object # Use the grid as the data we desire to cut self.Yslice['alg'].SetInputDataObject(self.mesh) self.Yslice['alg'].GenerateTrianglesOff() self.Yslice['slc'] = pv.wrap(self.Yslice['alg'].GetOutput()) self.p.plane_sliced_meshes.append(self.Yslice['slc']) self.Zslice['alg'] = _vtk.vtkCutter() # Construct the cutter object # Use the grid as the data we desire to cut self.Zslice['alg'].SetInputDataObject(self.mesh) self.Zslice['alg'].GenerateTrianglesOff() self.Zslice['slc'] = pv.wrap(self.Zslice['alg'].GetOutput()) self.p.plane_sliced_meshes.append(self.Zslice['slc']) self.Rslice['alg'] = _vtk.vtkCutter() # Construct the cutter object # Use the grid as the data we desire to cut self.Rslice['alg'].SetInputDataObject(self.mesh) self.Rslice['alg'].GenerateTrianglesOff() self.Rslice['slc'] = pv.wrap(self.Rslice['alg'].GetOutput()) self.p.plane_sliced_meshes.append(self.Rslice['slc']) def add_slice_actors(self): self.p.subplot(0) self.Yslice['actor3D'] = self.p.add_mesh(self.Yslice['slc'], stitle=self.meshname, clim=self.clim, cmap=self.cmap, opacity=self.opacity) self.p.subplot(0) self.Zslice['actor3D'] = self.p.add_mesh(self.Zslice['slc'], stitle=self.meshname, clim=self.clim, cmap=self.cmap, opacity=self.opacity) self.p.subplot(0) self.Rslice['actor3D'] = self.p.add_mesh(self.Rslice['slc'], stitle=self.meshname, clim=self.clim, cmap=self.cmap, opacity=self.opacity) self.p.subplot(3) self.p.add_text("Y", position='upper_left', font_size=16) self.Yslice['actor2D'] = self.p.add_mesh(self.Yslice['slc'], stitle=self.meshname, clim=self.clim, cmap=self.cmap, opacity=self.opacity) self.p.subplot(4) self.p.add_text("Z", position='upper_left', font_size=16) self.Zslice['actor2D'] = self.p.add_mesh(self.Zslice['slc'], stitle=self.meshname, clim=self.clim, cmap=self.cmap, opacity=self.opacity) def r_slice_update(self): # create the plane for clipping sphere = generate_sphere(self.Rslice['radius'], self.Rslice['center']) # the cutter to use the plane we made self.Rslice['alg'].SetCutFunction(sphere) self.Rslice['alg'].Update() # Perform the Cut self.Rslice['slc'].shallow_copy(self.Rslice['alg'].GetOutput()) def y_slice_update(self): # Rotation matrix of the normal if self.debug: print(" Getting Normal up") self.normalup = self.rotmat @ self.normalx if self.debug: print(" Getting Slice normal") self.Yslice['normal'] = self.rotmat @ self.normaly # create the plane for clipping plane = generate_plane(self.Yslice['normal'], self.Yslice['origin']) # Update cut function self.Yslice['alg'].SetCutFunction(plane) self.Yslice['alg'].Update() # Perform the Cut self.Yslice['slc'].shallow_copy(self.Yslice['alg'].GetOutput()) # Update view in 2D plot self.p.subplot(3) self.p.view_vector(-self.Yslice['normal'], viewup=self.normalup) def z_slice_update(self): # Rotation matrix of the normal if self.debug: print(" Getting Normal up") self.normalup = self.rotmat @ self.normalx if self.debug: print(" Getting Slice normal") self.Zslice['normal'] = self.rotmat @ self.normalz # create the plane for clipping plane = generate_plane(self.Zslice['normal'], self.Zslice['origin']) # Update cut function self.Zslice['alg'].SetCutFunction(plane) self.Zslice['alg'].Update() # Perform the Cut self.Zslice['slc'].shallow_copy(self.Zslice['alg'].GetOutput()) # Update view in 2D plot self.p.subplot(4) self.p.view_vector(-self.Zslice['normal'], viewup=self.normalup) def opacity_function(self, val): raise ValueError("Not working/not correcly implemented") if val == 0.0: self.mesh['opacity'] = np.ones_like(self.mesh['illumination']) else: self.mesh['opacity'] = np.where( self.mesh['illumination'] >= val, 1.0, self.mesh['illumination']/val) self.mesh['opacity'] = np.ones_like(self.mesh['illumination']) # Update self.mesh.set_active_scalars(self.meshname) def csym_callback(self, val): # Check whether cmap symmetrical or not self.cmapsym = val # if cmap symmetric find new values and update the colormap if self.cmapsym: averageclim = np.sum(np.abs(self.clim))/2 self.clim = [-averageclim, averageclim] # Reset colorslider bounds self.set_colorslider_bounds() self.set_colorslider_values() self.p.update_scalar_bar_range(self.clim, name=self.meshname) self.p.render() def cmin_callback(self, val): # Get clims depending on cmap symmetry if self.cmapsym: self.clim = [val, -val] else: self.clim = [val, self.clim[1]] # Update colormap self.p.update_scalar_bar_range(self.clim, name=self.meshname) # If not init state, change the value of the opoosit slider if self.not_init_state: # If symmetric update the slider location on the opposite side if self.cmapsym: self.cmax_slider.GetRepresentation( ).SetValue(-val) # Don't do anything if val is equal to the maximum of the # maximum slider else: if val > self.clim[1]: pass else: self.cmax_slider.GetRepresentation( ).SetMinimumValue(self.clim[0]) def cmax_callback(self, val): # Get clims depending on cmap symmetry if self.cmapsym: self.clim = [-val, val] else: self.clim = [self.clim[0], val] # Update colormap self.p.update_scalar_bar_range(self.clim, name=self.meshname) # If not init state, change the value of the opoosit slider if self.not_init_state: # If symmetric update the slider location on the opposite side if self.cmapsym: self.cmin_slider.GetRepresentation( ).SetValue(-val) # If not make maximum of minimum slider the minimum else: # Don't do anything if val is equal to the minimum of the # minimum slider if val < self.clim[0]: pass else: self.cmin_slider.GetRepresentation( ).SetMaximumValue(self.clim[1]) def rotate_lat(self, latitude, update_mat_only=False): # Get latitude self.latitude = latitude # Compute the center = geo2cart(1.0, self.latitude, self.longitude) # Compute new rotation matrix using the latitude self.rotmat_lat = rotation_matrix( np.array([0, 1, 0]), -self.latitude/180.0*np.pi) # Update slice rotation matrix, since center has changed self.rotate_slice(self.rotangle, update_mat_only=True) # Update if update_mat_only is False: self.update() def rotate_lon(self, longitude, update_mat_only=False): # Get longitude self.longitude = longitude # Compute center = geo2cart(1.0, self.latitude, self.longitude) # Compute rotation matrix self.rotmat_lon = rotation_matrix( np.array([0, 0, 1]), self.longitude/180.0*np.pi) # Update slice rotation matrix, since center has changed self.rotate_slice(self.rotangle, update_mat_only=True) # Update the slices if update_mat_only is False: self.update() def rotate_slice(self, angle, update_mat_only=False): # Compute rotangle in radians if update_mat_only is False: self.rotangle = -angle/180.0*np.pi # Update slice rotation matrix self.rotmat_slice = rotation_matrix(, self.rotangle) # Update slices if update_mat_only is False: self.update() def update_r(self, d): # Get radius from depth input self.depth = d self.Rslice['radius'] = self.rmax - d # Update tthe radial slice self.r_slice_update() def update(self): # Compute the total rotation matrix if self.debug: print("Computing total rotation matrix") self.rotmat = self.rotmat_slice @ self.rotmat_lon @ self.rotmat_lat # Update the Y slice if self.debug: print("Update Y slice") self.y_slice_update() # Update the Z slice if self.debug: print("Update Z slice") self.z_slice_update() def set_colorslider_values(self): # Set cmap sliders: self.cmax_slider.GetRepresentation().SetValue(self.clim[0]) self.cmax_slider.GetRepresentation().SetValue(self.clim[1]) def set_colorslider_bounds(self): # Set cmap sliders: if self.cmapsym: self.cmin_slider.GetRepresentation().SetMinimumValue(self.minM) self.cmin_slider.GetRepresentation().SetMaximumValue(0.0) self.cmax_slider.GetRepresentation().SetMinimumValue(0.0) self.cmax_slider.GetRepresentation().SetMaximumValue(self.maxM) else: self.cmin_slider.GetRepresentation().SetMinimumValue(self.minM) self.cmin_slider.GetRepresentation().SetMaximumValue(self.maxM) self.cmin_slider.GetRepresentation().SetMinimumValue(self.minM) self.cmax_slider.GetRepresentation().SetMaximumValue(self.maxM) def reset(self, val): # Get starting values self.clim = self.initclim = self.initpos _, self.latitude, self.longitude = cart2geo(*self.initpos) # Reset colorbar boundaries self.set_colorslider_bounds() self.set_colorslider_values() # Reset rotationsliders self.rotlat_slider.GetRepresentation().SetValue(self.latitude) self.rotlon_slider.GetRepresentation().SetValue(self.longitude) self.rotate_slider.GetRepresentation().SetValue(self.init_rotangle) # Update matrices self.rotate_lat(self.latitude, update_mat_only=True) self.rotate_lon(self.latitude, update_mat_only=True) self.rotate_slice(self.latitude, update_mat_only=True) # Update plot self.p.update_scalar_bar_range(self.clim, name=self.meshname) self.update() self.p.render() def depth_slice_to_map(self, val): # Depth slice to geo slctemp = self.Rslice["slc"].copy(deep=True) # Get the geographical points _, lat, lon = cart2geo( slctemp.points[:, 0], slctemp.points[:, 1], slctemp.points[:, 2]) # Get bounds latmin, latmax = np.min(lat), np.max(lat) lonmin, lonmax = np.min(lon), np.max(lon) # Get data data = deepcopy(slctemp[self.meshname]) # Set up interpolation snn = SphericalNN(lat, lon) res = 0.25 llon, llat = np.meshgrid( np.arange(lonmin, lonmax+res, res), np.arange(latmin, latmax+res, res)) # Get the interpolated data using weighted spherical nearest neighbour # interpolation d = snn.interp(data, llat, llon, no_weighting=False, k=10, maximum_distance=res*2.0) # Create Map fig = plt.figure() ax = map_axes(proj='carr') plot_map(zorder=1, borders=False, fill=False) ax.set_xlim(lonmin, lonmax) ax.set_ylim(latmin, latmax) # Plot data onto map plt.imshow(d[::-1, :], extent=[lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax], cmap=self.cmapname, zorder=-1, vmin=self.clim[0], vmax=self.clim[1]) cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', aspect=40) label = 'Hitcounts' if self.meshname == 'illumination' else "Amplitude" cbar.set_label(label) plt.title(f"Z = {int(self.depth):d} km") if not self.figures_only: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.outputdir, f"depthslice{int(self.depth):d}_" f"{self.meshname}" f".{self.fmt}")) def plot_y_slice(self, val): self.slice_to_array( self.Yslice["slc"], ) def plot_z_slice(self, val): if self.debug: print("Plotting Z slice") self.slice_to_array( self.Zslice["slc"], offset=90.0, name="Z" ) def slice_to_array(self, slc, offset: float = 0.0, name: str = "Y"): """Converts a PolyData slice to a 2D NumPy array. It is crucial to have the true normal and origin of the slicing plane Parameters ---------- slc : PolyData Slice as slice through a mesh. """ # Get slice if self.debug: print(" Getting Slice") slctemp = slc.copy(deep=True) slctemp.points = (self.rotmat.T @ slctemp.points.T).T # Interpolate slices if self.debug: print(" Creating polydata") # Depending on the slice, column 1 or 2 will contain the points if offset == 0.0: points = np.vstack( (slctemp.points[:, 0], slctemp.points[:, 2], np.zeros_like(slctemp.points[:, 2]))).T else: points = np.vstack( (slctemp.points[:, 0], slctemp.points[:, 1], np.zeros_like(slctemp.points[:, 1]))).T pc = pv.PolyData(points) if self.debug: print(" Triangulate") mesh = pc.delaunay_2d(alpha=0.5*1.5*DEG2KM) mesh[self.meshname] = slctemp[self.meshname] # Get triangles from delauney triangulation to be # used for interpolation if self.debug: print(" Reshape Triangles") xy = np.array(mesh.points[:, 0:2]) r, t = cart2pol(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1]) findlimt = t + 4 * np.pi mint = np.min(findlimt) - 4 * np.pi maxt = np.max(findlimt) - 4 * np.pi cells = mesh.faces.reshape(mesh.n_cells, 4) triangles = np.array(cells[:, 1:4]) # Set maximum slice length (makes no sense otherwise) if mint < -11.25: mint = -11.25 if maxt > 11.25: maxt = 11.25 # Set up intterpolation values dmin = np.min(EARTH_RADIUS_KM - r) dmax = np.max(EARTH_RADIUS_KM - r) dsamp = np.linspace(dmin, dmax, 1000) tsamp = np.linspace(mint, maxt, 1000) tt, dd = np.meshgrid(tsamp, dsamp) # you can add keyword triangles here if you have the triangle array, # size [Ntri,3] if self.debug: print(" Triangulation 2") triObj = Triangulation(t, r, triangles=triangles) # linear interpolation fz = LinearTriInterpolator(triObj, mesh[self.meshname]) Z = fz(tt, EARTH_RADIUS_KM - dd) # Get aspect of the figure aspect = ((maxt - mint)*180/np.pi*DEG2KM) / (dmax - dmin) height = 4.0 width = height * aspect if self.debug: print(" Plotting") # Create figure plt.figure(figsize=(width, height)) plt.imshow( Z, extent=[mint*180/np.pi*DEG2KM, maxt*180/np.pi*DEG2KM, dmax, dmin], cmap=self.cmapname, vmin=self.clim[0], vmax=self.clim[1], rasterized=True) from_north = np.abs(self.rotangle*180/np.pi) + offset plt.title(rf"$N{from_north:6.2f}^\circ \rightarrow$") plt.xlabel('Offset [km]') plt.ylabel('Depth [km]') if not self.figures_only: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.outputdir, f"slice_{name}_" f"lat{int(self.latitude+90.0)}_" f"lon{int(self.longitude+180.0)}_" f"N{int(from_north)}_{self.meshname}" f".{self.fmt}"))